
Margareta Olofsdotter

Född:1740 Sohlberga, Nysund (T). [1]

Barn med Olof Olofsson (1719 - 1797)

Christina Olofsdotter (1765 - )
Olof Olofsson (1770 - 1848)
Brita Maria Olofsdotter (1772 - )
Elisabeth Olofsdotter (1775 - )


kan ha hetat Maria enligt Gail

Gails antecknig: "On the clerical survey she is listed as Maria (1791-1798), but on the birth records of her children, she is listed as Margareta. I have to do some more research on this to find out why. Also, on the survey for 1778-1783, her name looks as though it was written Maria first and then written over as Margareta (p70)."

Källa: Nysund C4 (1770-1801), Births #18 of 1770.


1740 Födelse 1740 Sohlberga, Nysund (T) [1]
1765 Dottern Christina Olofsdotter föds 1765 Sohlberga, Nysund (T) [2]
1770 Sonen Olof Olofsson föds 1770-07-03 Sohlberga, Nysund (T) [3]
1772 Dottern Brita Maria Olofsdotter föds 1772-11-14 Sohlberga, Nysund (T) [4]
1775 Dottern Elisabeth Olofsdotter föds 1775-05-06 Sohlberga, Nysund (T) [1]
1797 Partnern Olof Olofsson dör 1797-02-21 Sohlberga, Nysund (T) [5]
1848 Sonen Olof Olofsson dör 1848-12-13 Hushållningen, Nysund (T) [6]


[1]Nysund (S T) AI:2 (1778-83 + 1784-90), 1778-83, p70
[2]Nysund (T) AI:2 (1778-83 + 1784-90), 1778-83, p70
[3]Nysund (S, T) AI:11a (1831-1836), p16
[4]Nysund (S T) C:4 (1770-1801), p15
[5]Nysund (S T) C4 (b/m/d 1770-1801), deaths 1797, #12
[6]Nysund (S, T) C4 (1770-1801), Births #18 of 1770.