Emma Caroline Benson
Blev 55 år.
Född: | 1881-09-19 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Begravd: | Ong Cemetery, Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA. |
Död: | 1937-05-02 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Vigsel: | 1907-06-20 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Emma Caroline Nelson, nee Benson, was born in Ong, Clay County, Nebraska., September 19, 1881. She was baptized in the Lutheran faith and confirmed in the Stockholm Lutheran Church, May 3, 1896.
She was united in marriage to Mr Emmert W Nelson on the 29th day of June, 1907, almost 30 years ago, and to his union were born six children, who with their father mourn her unexpected death.
In 1922 the family transferred their membership to the Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Ong of which Mrs Nelson has been a faithful worker. She was especially gifted as a singer and has faithfully used her voice both in the choir as well as at a great many funeral services. Her song has been silenced, but we hope that she is now a singer in the celestial chorus praising and glorifying her Saviour, Jesus Christ for ever.
The news of the passing of Mrs Nelson came as a shock to all her relatives and friends. She submitted to a major operation at a Hastings hospital April 29 and passed away Sunday May 2, at 12:30 p.m. only 55 years, seven months and 13 days old.
After a short prayer service at the home funeral services were conducted from the Gethsemane Lutheran Church Tuesday, May 4, in the presence of an unusually large audience with the vice pastor, Rev A Walfred Anderson of Saronville in charge, who spoke on the comforting words, "He Careth for You."
A quartet consisting of Mr and Mrs Clinton Peterson, Mrs Emry Solomon and Oscar Rudd sang two selections in the church, "There will be no disappointments in Heaven" and "In the Sweet By and By." Also "Face to Face" at the home. Mrs Solomon also sang a solo, "There shall be no tears in Paradise", at the church.
Arthur Johnson, Edward Fayle, Algot Peterson, Urban Franson, Oscar Danielson, and Jake Frahm served as pallbearers.
Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her untimely demise, four sons, Arnold of Newcastle, Wyo., Clayton of Ong, Layle also of Newcastle, Wyo., and Keith and two daughters, La Verne and Emogene at home; one granddaughter, Dolores; also three brothers, John, August and Carl Benson of near Ong, and a host of other relatives and friends. One sister and one brother preceded her in death. Interment was in Ong Cemetery. May she rest in peace.
Årtal | Ålder | Händelse |
1881 |
Födelse 1881-09-19 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1884 |
2 år |
Brodern Carl Oscar Benson föds 1884-03-16 Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1886 |
4 år |
Systern Hilda Benson föds 1886-06-18 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1889 |
7 år |
Brodern Harry Benson föds 1889-06-30 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1892 |
10 år |
Systern Hilda Benson dör 1892-03-22 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1905 |
23 år |
Brodern Harry Benson dör 1905-09-16 Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1907 |
25 år |
Vigsel Emmert William Nelson 1907-06-20 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1908 |
26 år |
Sonen Arnold Burdell “Andy” Nelson föds 1908-04-30 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1911 |
29 år |
Sonen Clayton Marland Nelson föds 1911-05-14 Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1915 |
33 år |
Sonen Layle Bevard Nelson föds 1915-02-19 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1917 |
35 år |
Sonen Keith Emmert Nelson föds 1917-05-28 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1918 |
36 år |
Fadern Alfred Benson dör 1918-01-11 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1923 |
41 år |
Dottern LaVerne Lucille Nelson föds 1923-08-30 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1925 |
44 år |
Modern Ingrid Bengtsdotter dör 1925-10-22 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1937 |
55 år |
Död 1937-05-02 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
Emma Caroline Benson 1881 - 1937, Picture from, Staffan Viberg, Enköping, Uppsala |
Emma Caroline Benson 1881 - 1937, Picture from Marilyn Sanner Keim, Nebraska, USA |
Emma Caroline Benson 1881 - 1937, Picture from Marilyn Sanner Keim, Nebraska, USA |