Emil Gotfried Pearson
Blev 37 år.
Född: | 1891-05-24 Shickley, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Död: | 1928-12-08 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Emil Pearson was born at Shickley, Nebraska, May 24, 1891. He passed away at 6 o'clock Saturday morning, December 8, 1928 at the Mary Lanning Hospital at Hastings at the age of 37 years, 6 months and 14 days. Emil was confirmed at the Stockholm Lutheran Church, Shickley, April 31, 1907 and remained a faithful member of that church until 1922 when he became a member of the Gethsemane Lutheran church of Ong.
December 19, 1917, he was married to Miss Esther Erickson of Edgar, Nebraska. This happy union was blessed with five children, all living, the oldest being nine years old and the youngest only ten months.
Emil Pearson was the son of Mr and Mrs Jacob Pearson, both of who preceded him to the Greater World, the mother, four years ago and the father, two years ago. A brother, the first born, preceded in death in infancy.
Emil grew to manhood on the home farm southwest of Shickley and lived on this farm until the call came to leave for the Heavenly home. Those who mourn his untimely and sudden departure are his wife, Esther, his five small children, four boys and one girl, Knox aged nine; Iola, seven; Arvid, 6; Robert LeRoy, 2, and Emil Junior, ten months; two sisters and two brothers, Mrs Nels Christenson of Edgar, Ernest Pearson, Mrs Arthur Jacobson and Harry Pearson all of Shickley, besides many near and dear relatives and a host of friends.
Mr Pearson served as secretary of the congregation of Gethsemane Lutheran Church for a number of years and this office he was faithfully executing at the time of his death. Emil loved his family, he loved very dearly those who were nearest to him, he loved his friends, he loved his church and his Lord. Very faithfully with his family he attended each and every service as far as it was possible for him to do so. When the weather was not the best and offered a good excuse for many to stay at home, Emil with his family was found at church.
Many a father and mother would do well to copy the faithful example of Mr Pearson's church attendance. With wrapt attention and sincere devotion he listened to the sermon throughout. Indeed, he drank deeply from the fountain from which issues forth the living water of Live unto Life Eternal. Emil served his church and his Lord faithfully and devotedly. He used the opportunities for service that God gave him with care. To know him was to love him. Emil had a beautiful tenor voice and quite often it was the joy and delight of the congregation to listen to and receive the wonderful message he brought us in song. "The Old Rugged Cross." "I'm a Child of the King," "There Shall Be No Disappointment in Heaven," "All the Way My Savior Leads Me' were some of his favorite songs.
Words will not convey how greatly we will miss him in the church, at the home and as a beloved neighbor, good citizen and devoted friend. The memory of his quiet, unassuming, beautiful life shall live with comfort, joy and power among us. We pray that there may be a happy reunion with Jesus and the Father in that beautiful City of Gold some blessed, glorious day.
Årtal | Ålder | Händelse |
1891 |
Födelse 1891-05-24 Shickley, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1893 |
1 år |
Brodern Harry Victor Pearson föds 1893-04-17 Shickley, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1894 |
3 år |
Makan Esther Mathilda Erickson föds 1894-06-16 Oak, Nuckolls County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1917 |
26 år |
Vigsel Esther Mathilda Erickson 1917-12-19 [1] |
1919 |
27 år |
Sonen Knox Charles Jacob Pearson föds 1919-03-11 Shickley, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1921 |
29 år |
Dottern Iola Nadine Pearson föds 1921-01-06 Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1922 |
31 år |
Sonen Arvid Hugo Pearson föds 1922-08-11 Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1924 |
Modern Emma Louisa Swanson (Svensson) dör 1924 Ong Clay Nebraska, USA [1] |
1926 |
Fadern Jacob Pearson (Persson) dör 1926 Ong Clay Nebraska, USA [1] |
1926 |
35 år |
Sonen Robert LeRoy Pearson föds 1926-07-11 Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1928 |
36 år |
Sonen Emil Junior Pearson föds 1928-02-07 Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1928 |
37 år |
Död 1928-12-08 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
Emil Gotfried Pearson 1891 - 1928 |