Harry Victor Pearson
Blev 69 år.
Född: | 1893-04-17 Shickley, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Död: | 1962-09-25 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA. [1] |
Harry Victor Pearson, youngest son of Jacob and Emma Pearson, was born at Shickley, Nebr., on April 17, 1893. He departed from this life at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, Sept. 25, 1962, at the Hastings State Hospital, where he had been a patient since July 10, 1959.
He had attained the age of 69 years 5 months and 8 days.
His parents, three brothers and an infant daughter preceded him in death.
Harry grew to manhood on the farm home of his parents, where he lived until he left for army service during World War I. On his return from that service he resumed farming and remained in that occupation until the illness that brought to an end his working days.
On Jan. 20, 1927, he was united in marriage to Lillian Swanson of Ong. To this union were born three children. The first born died in infancy.
He was baptized and was confirmed at the Stockholm Lutheran Church, Shickley, May 23, 1909, and remained an active member until 1922 when he became a member of Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Ong.
He was a faithful supporter of his church and had served as a member of the church board for several years.
Those who mourn his departure most deeply are his wife, Lillian; daughter, Eloise, of Denver, Colo.; son, Vernon, of Shickley; daughter-in-law Elaine; grandson, Jon; two sisters, Mrs Tekla Christenson of Ong; and Mrs. Arthur Jacobson of Shickley; other relatives and a host of friends.
He will especially be remembered for his willingness to be of help to those in need, and for his cheerful spirit. Peace be to his memory.
Årtal | Ålder | Händelse |
1893 |
Födelse 1893-04-17 Shickley, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1902 |
9 år |
Partnern Lillian Albertina Swanson föds 1902-12-14 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1924 |
Modern Emma Louisa Swanson (Svensson) dör 1924 Ong Clay Nebraska, USA [1] |
1926 |
Fadern Jacob Pearson (Persson) dör 1926 Ong Clay Nebraska, USA [1] |
1928 |
35 år |
Dottern Eloise Pearson föds 1928-04-27 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1928 |
35 år |
Dottern Eloise Pearson dör 1928-04-27 Ong, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1928 |
35 år |
Brodern Emil Gotfried Pearson dör 1928-12-08 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1929 |
36 år |
Dottern Eloise Bernice Pearson föds 1929-04-23 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
1930 |
37 år |
Brodern Ernest Stanley Pearson dör 1930-08-07 Hastings Adams Nebraska, USA [1] |
1962 |
69 år |
Död 1962-09-25 Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA [1] |
Harry Victor Pearson 1893 - 1962 |